Spiritual Scents Healing Journey

Exploring life’s natural healing journey collectively

Change is inevitable June 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lorraine @ 7:32 am

Aromatherapy, Reiki, Holistic Nursing, and continuous holistic based education were passions I had unraveled over years of life experiences filled with unhealth, Dis-ease, traumatic and life events, joy, laughter, and unpredictable events. I was excited to share anything I’ve experienced that I felt may help others.

As I continue to share therapeutic aromatic recipes, reiki experiences, and… well, overall holistic holistic nursing tips, I will widen my shared experiences to also include marriage, family, and friendship dynamics (relationships), fear vs courage, utilization of empath, medium, energetic abilities, grieving processes and coping, twin flame vs soul mates in love relationships, Veterans resources and experiences … and so much more.

However, my disclaimer, I am not claiming to be a leading expert in anything as I am merely a student sharing my experiences. Take it or leave it as you wish.

Life is unpredictable and full of surprises. There are many tools, people, and inner abilities to help us maneuver with intentions and purpose that serve our higher selves. As we open ourselves, our spirits and our minds hopefully we can make it through the labyrinth of life with meaning; filled with love.

As my Dad said during his last hours after fighting cancer…. You do your best in life, but at the end you realize God is ultimately in control. Be thankful, love one another, and live life the best you can.


Workshop & Nature Fair Highlights for September 2011 September 26, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lorraine @ 9:40 pm
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Natural Relief and Support for Tired, Achy Muscles (and Self) at the Pilates Plus in Upper Marlboro, MD

Sorry if you missed it, but this workshop was wonderful! I designed the workshop for people who needed relief from tired, sore, and aching muscles. But, not only did I address the physical aspects of pain, we also discussed the emotional, psychological and spiritual pains that can influence our perception of pain and how our body responds to efforts for relief. We also discussed what it means to strive for health and wellness and how our perception of “health” is influenced by our cultural upbringing, genetics and own individuality. Finally, I introduced 5 essential oils for pain relief. Then, I shared how Aromatherapists would use these essential oils in a synergy blend using aloe jelly as the carrier…..

Essential oils for pain relief:

Don’t you want to know which 5 essential oils we used in this workshop?
Well, I will share it with you!

1) Clary Sage (salvia sclarea) essential oil carries many therapeutic properties. Clary sage produces a calming, yet uplifting effect on the psych, relaxing the central nervous system which calms the entire body. As for the muscular system, clary sage is able to relieve aches and pains as a powerful muscle relaxant. Psychologically and emotionally, it is calming, great for irritation and anger, mental fatigue and nervous anxiety.
2) Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) essential oils is a great pain reliever, antibacterial, antidepressant and antiseptic. This oil has an affinity to the brain and digestive system and helps to balance the central nervous system. As for the muscular system, it works to relieve muscle cramps and spasms. For the mind, it is great for excessive thinking or repetitive thoughts and foggy or unclear emotions.
3) Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oils, is, well, great for everything and anything! It is a pain reliever, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and works as a sedative. AND as I’ve said a million times, it’s a great wound healer…what else can I say?
4) Ginger (Zingiber officinale): pain relief, anti-nausea, antispasmodic and great for digestive issues.
As for the muscles, it relieves muscular aches and pains in a warming and soothing, spicy kind of manner. So, as you can imagine, it is also great for arthritis, sprains, rheumatism, joint pain and stiffness. Psychologically and emotionally, it helps when one feels indecisive, confused and helps to promote clarity and motivation.
5) Peppermint (menthe x piperita) essential oil is, last, but not least. Mmmm, peppermint. It is a great pain reliever because of its analgesic qualities, it is an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory, it is calming, cooling and warming at the same time- great for any type of pain, don’t you think? Psychologically and emotionally, it is stimulating, uplifting and for those who dislike exercise and need that motivation. It is also good for people who have trouble communicating and for those who suffer from mental fatigue.
Yes! All of these oils were used to infuse an aloe jelly base. Why aloe jelly? Well, aloe is used in aromatherapy for many different reasons: inflamed skin conditions, muscles aches and pains, headaches and to cool inflamed skin (to mention a few). But, as a carrier, it is one of the fastest ways to bring the essential oils into the body for a quick relief. This is the reason why I like to use it for acute pain issues. However, because it acts so quickly and is absorbed within seconds, the dilution rate is at most at 1.5%, otherwise you will also end of with something liquidy instead of a nice, smooth gel consistency.

Nature Fair at Clear Water Nature Center in Clinton, MD

Yes, there was a forecast for rain…but it didn’t. So, people came later than earlier, which as unusual. Every year, Clear Water Nature Center and its wonderful staff put together an awesome nature fair. This is an event that my daughter and I look forward to every year, from the time she was little, even until now. However, this year I was fortunate enough to actually take part in it as an Aromatherapist!

So, what did I have at my booth?
I had some great information on REAL aromatherapy and put together different blends to showcase how aromatherapy is used in many different ways in many different forms.
The sample blends I had included:

1) An aromatic gel for pain relief, containing basil, ginger, peppermint, cajeput, rosemary and lavender in aloe jelly for immediate aches and pains relief.
2) A cold fighting, immune support salve made with unbleached beeswax, coconut oil, grapeseed and jojoba oils infused with lemon, frankincense, lavender, t-tree, eucalyptus radiate, thyme linalool, ginger and Niaouli to rub on the chest, feet and hands.
3) Smelling salts infused with lavender flowers, lavender essential oils and lemon to carry around just in case you come into contact with an unpleasant smell and you need something to clean that palate ASAP! This one was popular with the kids.
4) An aromatic body, hand cream for stress relief, nervous tension and relaxation infused with cardamom, Palmarosa, sweet orange, atlas cedar and frankincense. This one was really popular among all ages!
5) I also offered lavender and rose hydrosol spiked water- not so popular at all, but hey, I tried.

Next year, since the children were the best customers and seemed very curious about this aromatherapy business….I’m going to have some fun, all natural, stuff for the kids! Can’t wait!

I also offered to make a quick, roll-on blend for those who needed something personalized for themselves.
Thanks to the Nature Center for having me! Didn’t you know, I grew up there, spending times with my friends at the park?


Continuing to Heal: Remembering 9/11 September 11, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lorraine @ 4:11 pm

10 years ago, while I was driving back home after dropping my daughter off at pre-school, I remember thinking, “what a PERFECT day!” .So, I turned on the radio full-blast and rocked to my favorite music. I was SO happy. Life was perfect. My daughter was starting school and on her way to starting her own life and I was on my way home to get through my usual routine of cleaning the house. The sun was shining, it was probably in the 70’s outside and the clouds were perfectly formed.

Before I even had the chance to turn into my drive-way, there was a news flash on the radio. The radio announcer had a confused tone in his voice as he told us how a plane crashed into one of the twin towers, then a panicked tone and sense of urgency was felt after the second twin tower crash was announced. At first, it was thought that there was a problem with the plane, the second time it was evident that this was no accident. Then, the Pentagon, then the PA crash….

I didn’t understand, I didn’t understand.

I proceeded home and turned on the t.v. and saw the twin towers collapsing. Then a news flash at the bottom of the screen giving us the number of casualties; my heart sank and my spirit turned blue. I couldn’t breathe as I saw people running for their lives and other horrific, just awful things that NO ONEs eyes should ever see. It was a terrorist attack, they said.

I fell to my knees and prayed with all my might. “WHY?” I asked. “Please let us wake up from this nightmare”. I cried and cried as I thought about the families. Oh God, the families, the people….what are they feeling right now, what are they thinking, what are they all going through? I looked at the increasing numbers at the bottom of the screen; each number was a PERSON, a HUMAN BEING! I couldn’t process it, I couldn’t swallow this information.

I jumped in my car, my daughter’s school was near the air-force base and I needed to pick her up ASAP. Meanwhile, I called my mom in a panic to tell her we were under attack, as I sped to the pre-school to get my daughter. As I waited for the teacher to hand me my child, I kept looking up at the sky. It was still blue, the clouds had the same shape, the sun was still shining, but it wasn’t perfect anymore.

We all have our experiences to share. It is the 10th anniversary of this horrific day. And, it’s true, we will NEVER forget. This one day changed so many lives drastically. Through these past 10 years, I have listened to many stories, heard countless ways of how people have tried to grieve, heal and get through their losses.

Yes, it’s been 10 years, but it is okay to grieve. It’s okay to remember and to pray. Healing takes time and we need to acknowledge that. Remembering and taking part in ceremonies, prayerful gatherings and silent meditations are important when it comes to the grieving process. There is no set time line when it comes to grieving. There is no set time line when it comes to healing. However, we need to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves and taking time to go through the actual process of grieving and healing. Everyone is different, there is no ONE right way either.

So whatever you may be going through, make your experience your own, but DO experience it.

Because of this experience, I have learned to appreciate my family more. I have learned that we, as humans, are more connected than we allow ourselves to believe. Every day is precious and life can be very deceiving…so no one should be taken for granted, no day should be taken for granted. The gift of shared laughter, paying attention to one another, being compassionate to others and understanding where someone else may be coming from, these needs to be remembered too.
Out of tragedy can come Good.


Finding Your Authentic Self with Faith and Patience February 26, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lorraine @ 12:39 am

Immediate action, immediate results, immediate effects
If it REALLY works, shouldn’t we see the results right away?

Modern society has a tendency to become easily disappointed in a product, medication, treatment or anything that doesn’t produce immediate results in the way we expect the results to turn out. I would like to think that this is changing. We know better now, right?

These past few years have been all about hard lessons learned, but the world is changing and evolving into a world in which we, as human beings, are entering a higher level of consciousness, self-awareness and connectedness.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’m running into more people who are open and responsive to what I do as a holistic nurse, reiki master and Aromatherapist. Just a little over a year ago, this wasn’t the case at all, at least not for me. But could it be because “I” am becoming more open and responsive to accept that what I do may not be received well by others…and that’s okay? When we let go, I truly believe that, that negative energy that blocks true connectedness with others is released and this allows one’s genuine, authentic self to be revealed. And…who doesn’t mind opening themselves up to someone who is genuine and true? You can feel that loving energy, can’t you?

What I’m feeling nowadays is a more genuine and honest society. We are removing our blinders and accepting who we really are, who we are made to be. No more lies, people! Let’s be honest with ourselves about what truly matters in life: Peace, Love, Compassion, Understanding and Caring.

Do you feel it? That need to seek out what really, truly matters deep down inside of you? It’s your true, authentic self screaming out that is wants to be free!

I have been so happy to receive an increase in phone calls from people interested in signing up more for reiki sessions and possibly wanting to learn reiki themselves. There is also an increased understanding when I tell clients that: “I can only do reiki with one intention and ONE intention only…that you will receive all that you need at THIS present moment. The outcome is up to you and the Divine.”
Practicing with great integrity means, being honest with yourself and knowing that truth that no matter what type of healing practice you are in: Doctor, Nurse, Counselor, Reiki Master, Aromatherapist , Mother, Father, Grandmother, etc., You use your skills to the greatest of your ability, but, REALLY, the true outcome is up to relationships between the receiver and the Divine.

So, receiver or giver…whoever you may be, let’s have Faith and Aim for a goal this year of using this Faith to guide us to our best selves- the Authentic Self! And how about practicing patience as we do so? Know that all good things come to those who wait- Take the time to breath in the moment, look around you, connect with yourself, those around you and that of which you don’t see. What say you?


December’s Essential Oil Duo: Frankincense & Myrrh December 5, 2010

I know what you’re thinking, “she picked a couple of easy ones for December”. Okay, okay, I get it. Frankincense, Myrrh…Christmas, the 3 Kings, and the Gifts bestowed upon the blessed baby Jesus. Now, hold on there! Before you turn away from this special pair of essential oils for the month of December, just give me a second to explain.

I actually almost picked a couple of other essential oils for this month, like clove and cinnamon. Although those two would’ve also been perfect for December (warming, strengthening, memory recalls etc), I chose a couple of essential oils that have an interesting history, story and purpose attached to them. When I think of December, yes, of course I think of Christmas…but I also think of fond memories this time of year: special school programs and gift exchanging with classmates, family gatherings, school breaks…a time for reflection of the past year, a time to share stories, a time to give to the less fortunate and think of one another.

This is where Frankincense and Myrrh come in.

Both essential oils come from the Burseraceae family.
Frankincense is a small shrubby tree with white flowers. A cut into the bark of the tree will produce a milky, white resin (thick, syrupy like) liquid that hardens into orange-brown tears. The resin is what is steam-distilled to obtain the essential oil.
Myrrh is also a small shrubby tree or a shrubby bush that produces a yellow resin that hardens into more reddish-brown tears when the bark is cut into. The essential oil is from steam-distilling the hardened resin tears as well.

Because frankincense and myrrh were hard to come by during historical times, they were considered rare and therefore, highly valued. The resins were burned as an offering to the gods and used as incense to ward off evil energies/spirits. Only the richest of the rich had access to frankincense and myrrh back then.

Today, frankincense essential oil is valued for its ability to slow down and deepen the breath. This is especially useful when rapid breathing is related to fear, anxiety, nervous tension and stress. Frankincense, in this way, is also useful for someone who suffers from respiratory issues such as colds, bronchitis, asthma, coughs and sore throats that may make it difficult for a person to take that deep breath and slow down. It smells divine (to most people), although others may associate it with church.
Spiritually, it is valuable in prayers and meditation as it stills the mind and helps one to focus on the intention of prayers. The energy of frankincense is very protecting and is used to drive away bad spirits and break links with the past (useful in times of forgiveness).

Myrrh, on the other hand, functions differently. Physically, Myrrh is a great anti-infectious and anti-fungal! It is used effectively to treat athlete’s foot, wounds and infections. In fact, it was used this way thousands of years ago when ancient Greek soldiers carried myrrh with them not only to treat wounds, but for psychic protection as well. Because of Myrrh’s anti-inflammatory abilities, it is used not only in skin care but also to treat coughs and colds. It is soothing, healing and helps to restore the body and mind.

Spiritually, myrrh is all about peace and tranquility, REALLY! Just like frankincense, it is one of the most spiritual oils and is used for meditation as well. Myrrh’s energy is all about moving on in life and helps those who may feel stuck.

So, wouldn’t you agree that these two essential oils are perfect for December? I mean, think about it. This is the month when our skin suffers from dryness (at least where I’m from) and the cool air. Colds, coughs and flu are also common this time of year. When it comes to our spiritual and emotional health, December is often a time in which we take time to reflect, meditate, pray and be thankful. It’s a time in which we feel hopeful that peace and tranquility will be in store for us in the coming year- a time of forgiveness and a time to move on!


Work Place Stress: Keeping Perspective in Check! November 28, 2010

Okay, so you’re sitting there in a meeting with all your colleagues and the meeting is being conducted by your manager who use to work with you in the office doing the same work you and the others use to do. All of a sudden, this person starts telling you what you are all doing wrong and starts dictating to you what you need to do. The solutions are completely unrealistic and seem to be senseless. To make matters worse, you are presented with unrealistic expectations and told how you all think that you are the best but you’re not. THEN, you realize that this person has lost her mind and you, calmly and with good intention, try to bring to attention what the reality is from the “lower class citizens” only to be attacked with ridiculous words like “I know what I’m talking about, I USE TO BE where you all were” (as if it weren’t just a few months ago).

Whoa! What does this do to you and your colleagues, especially during a REALLY hectic week in which you’ve been busting your butt to get the job done…seemingly as a team? Sounds familiar?

I know, I know….I mean, really there is nothing you can do about it because, well… you’re just the worker bee and the Queen bee has complete control.

Now, hold on there, back up that thought! No ONE has complete control over you. What can you do in a stressful situation such as that, ummm, fake? , scenario above?

Remember the bigger picture. Know that you are working hard and doing your best. Do give yourself a pat on the back and take care not to absorb any negativity. If possible, talk it out with your colleagues and try to find solutions together to try to meet the expectations of the company, but in a way that is healthy for all of you.

Most of all, try to find humor in the situation. Can you laugh about something?

What worries me is that these situations can impact colleagues and you individually. PLUS, a lowered morale can encourage a dark sense of lower energy in the work place…something that can become toxic in the long run and make you and your colleagues sick (mentally AND physically). This can, Duh, also negatively impact the quality of work and productivity in the workplace.

Never bring a negative situation home with you, don’t even entertain the idea of thinking about that situation or person before going to bed.

When you go back to work, think positive! Think of all the good things you can conjure up about your job or just be thankful you have a job. You can even trick yourself by just saying to yourself “what a wonderful day, I love this day, I am grateful for this day… for this moment!” Go through a mental list of things you are thankful for in your life and get that happy juice going…this will keep you grounded and focused on the BIGGER picture.

And, pray for that person…it’s a sad day when someone is overpowered by the pressures of upper administration and management. It’s even sadder when that person has lost a sense of who they are and their core beliefs and values. REALLY SAD, be thankful you’re not that person! Really.

Keep happy and healthy, KNOW that your perspective is YOUR reality and encourage this attitude amongst your colleagues! You can be happy in the work place even when someone of “power” is trying to bring you down.
Let that person keep that for themselves, you have better things in store for YOU!


Aromatherapy “Copy Rights” November 16, 2010

Okay, here’s the deal, I don’t make blends to try to copy another existing product, PERIOD. Not to sound harsh or anything, but I have been receiving a number of requests for advice on blending….then when I offer to help, I am given a list of ingredients on the back of some product and asked to try to copy it (not in those exact words, but somewhat that way).

Every Aromatherapist has their own way of incorporating essential oils into their practice. Some make products such as perfumes or pre-calculated blends, while others use essential oils to incorporate into a massage treatment, for mood altering effects, and so on and so forth. As I have mentioned before, aromatherapy can be used in a vast number of ways. In my own practice, aromatherapy is incorporated into an aromatic treatment program for holistic care, intentional blending, and life balancing. As a nurse, I enjoy educating people on how essential oils can be used as a complementary treatment in conjunction with prescribed medications and their own medical plan of care. Once in a while, I may make a product- but that is often times intentional…like for an event, for someone’s healing practice intentions, for the season…or whatever I feel the energy in the air is calling for. Whatever the product may be, it’s custom made and/or made to fit a particular purpose, event, health concern, or intention. I have NEVER tried to copy an existing product because I STRONGLY believe that, in order to keep the integrity of my practice, customized blending is a MUST.

Now, let’s say that you noticed that a product with essential oils in it has a certain effect on you, and you like it, a lot. Then, fine, we can examine which essential oils are in that product, talk about what they each do and what they are used for, then talk about what YOU are looking for and then see if we can incorporate those essential oils (and maybe others that may help you with whatever you need) into your own custom blend. How’s that? I can do that.

See, the thing is, when people give me a list on back of a product, often times those ingredients are made for mass marketing….so the intention behind that product is most likely aimed at money making. I mean, you now, hey…it’s a business product. If you buy aromatherapy products made exclusively by an Aromatherapist, the energy and intention in that product is different. Most likely, the Aromatherapist made it with the good intention of helping others. They didn’t make a product because it just smells good or because the blend seems pleasing or helps a majority of people find relief and therefore…”let’s make money”. And, “how can you tell?” you may ask….because of the ingredients IN the product. Yes, I see essential oils are on the label…but what quality essential oils did they use? Did the people making the product even CARE about the quality, or were they focusing on the cost of the essential oil? PLUS, the other ingredients that are on those labels are CHEAP (the carrier oils used, the water, etc.) and include essential oil enhancing, stretching, or adulterating components…to enhance the essential oil aromas…meaning, the essential oils may work to some effect, but not the way they COULD . It SMELLS like there is a good amount of essential oil in there, but the other ingredients tell me that they put SOME essential oils in there but added other things to make them stand out more or stretch their smell.

So, you like buying “aromatherapy” product? Fine, so do I. But, just try to pay attention to WHO is selling you the product. Are there Aromatherapists behind the products (or some type of essential oil chemist or expert?) This is an important factor to take into consideration, because the aromatherapist KNOWS about the importance of quality essential oils and ingredients. They take this VERY seriously when making their products. Or is the company familiar with natural, organic ingredients? KNOW who you are buying these products from. I don’t sell products, but I know some Aromatherapists that do….and that is who I would buy products from. I have even bought products from farmers who produce essential oils……mmmmm, YUM!

Don’t believe me and think that I may be some angst Aromatherapist out for control and over thinking my profession? How about trying an experiment then? Try it! Buy a mass produced product that may be cheaper and have a STRONGer aroma of essential oils….then buy something lovingly made by a farmer, Aromatherapist (or Aromatherapist company), or organic ingredients producer that may have a more subtle aroma but may cost a little more. Compare the two after using for a while and see if you notice a difference? You will be amazed; it’s an eye opening experiment.

My clients, family, friends, and some colleagues tell me, without me asking them, that there is a difference in mass products versus intentional blending in the aromatherapy products they buy. Of course, I’m biased, but there is a significant difference to me.


November & Cardomom: What a Pair! November 12, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lorraine @ 6:33 pm

So, there I was, sitting in the middle of a circle of beautiful women….telling the story about how “fall is all about transition” and sharing my precious fall blend secrets with them. I gave all the details of each essential oil that were placed in the fall blend: each oil was in sync with fall- transition, changes, balancing and warmth. Everyone enjoyed my story and how I shared my passion for aromatherapy. We found this blend, a warm, fall stew of clove, ginger, cardomom, orange and nutmeg- to be intoxicatingly heavenly. I made it with the intention that all of these women, who were brave enough to attend such an event, would receive all that they needed for this fall season.

Then, all of a sudden, immediately after that women’s event, I found that I would need this blend the most! Unbelievable!!

I found myself caught in a whirlwind of transition and change. I felt cold, and at times, alone. “What is going on up in here?!?!”, I thought to myself. I just finished telling women about how change is difficult, but we can overcome obstacles and how each of us had a purpose…all that good stuff. I had no clue that I was actually talking to my future self! Then, even more unraveling, was how it seemed to have a ripple effect. I found myself surrounded by other women- family, friends, acquaintences…going through the same thing!

So, here’s where Cardomom comes in.
Ellettaria cardamomum, from the Zingiberaceae family, is a perennial, reedlike herb that is found commonly in places like India and Sri Lanka. My friend from Pakistan drinks a daily tea with this spice in it after eating dinner.
Cardamom is warm, sweet and spicy with a bit of a woody undertone too. It can be deep and light at the same time which makes sense since it’s a very balancing essential oil.
This is one of my key ingredients in my fall blend. I placed it in there because: #1- it’s great for alleviating worries that stem from nervousness and feeling overburdened with worries and responsibilities. It is common to feel this type of worry and fear when approaching transtition and impending changes as well.
#2- Cardomom is a great digestive tonic and stimulant. Perfect for the holidays when we tend to eat a lot or when we just eat a lot because of worry, or feeling hungry because of the cooler weather.
#3- It just SMELLS SO GOOD!

I also have this aroma associated with a good memory of me and my aromatherapy partner in class making our own blend to help us deal with our worries about making it through the class: cardomom was the answer!

Cardomom is well known for its ability to balance the body and the nerves. Its energy is very subtle,but profound at the same time. It is a good tonic for the digestive and respiratory system- especially with colic and gassy discomforts.
Psychologically, it is a strengthening and uplifting essential oil that really does help with nervousness, depression and mental fatigue. Because it is a seed, it is grounding and spiritually perfect for personal growth and change.

So, if you see a strange looking woman sniffing an aromatherapy bottle intensely and pouring it all over her head……and it smells like it could contain cardomom. Please, make no judgment and try to understand….I’m just trying to deal with some changes here (or perhaps I ate too much at a buffet)! If you happen to need some too, don’t be shy, I would love to share!

Enjoy the Fall!


A Salute to All Veterans Plus an Update on Dad

The day is almost ending and what a day it’s been. With an unexpected day off, I knew exactly what I wanted to do….visit the Veteran’s Memorial in D.C. I salute you, all of you veterans. You are all heroes to me. I have met many of you, as a nurse, as a person, as a neighbor, as a friend…..and each one that I have met had their own story to tell and/or…. to keep secret.

As for Dad,
For a quick second, I had a flash of the future….what the experience would be like visiting the memorial today. It’s been over a year since I started the journey with my dad. You know, that journey into discovering PTSD and the core reason behind my Dad’s health problems…mainly (possibly, I’m no expert) his heart attack.
Yes, it’s been that long. Many kind readers tuned in when I shared my dad’s heart attack story and how his PTSD, post Vietnam OVER 38 years ago, affected his health AND how his entire life would unravel itself.
When I had that flash forward, I thought, “ummmm, maybe it’s not such a good idea”. Afterall, I wanted to spend this day with Dad and my family. So, I imagined me and my dad, standing there in front of the memorial, walking through the walkway as I did my usual…tracing my fingers over the hundreds of names listed on that wall, while I prayed for every single person and their families…then, I had an image of my Dad, and I saw my Dad, crying and having flashbacks. What would I do? I’m not strong enough,yet, to handle that and help him through it.
Yeah, I’m not ready and neither is he. So, we took Dad out to eat instead. He had a list of all these places that offered free meals and prizes, discounts to the Vets…but we ended up eating at his favorite Chinese buffet instead. When we picked him up for lunch, he had a different air about him. He has completely changed since last year. When he came out of the house to greet us…he was wearing his Navy hat and his military jacket…he appeared strong and wise, brave and unshaken…he looked like a Vet.

Since my Dad started his journey in unraveling his PTSD and getting to the bottom of his chronic ulcers, insomnia and heart problems….I experienced a few miracles.
One is not related to my Dad, but somehow is. Let me explain….I have a good friend who also suffered from PTSD, also post Vietnam, but he was in actual combat. Just this past year did he start seeking help…after a long battle with emotional problems, health issues and now, a diagnosis of chronic health conditions. He is one of the kindest people anyone could ever meet. He and his wife have been friends of mine for quite a while, so it was such a relief to his wife that he finally sought help.
Now, as for my Dad….well…it’s been a journey alright.
The first disappointment came when he filed for Veterans compensation…and was denied on almost all cases. They would pay him only about $100 monthly and that would be it. He asked me to help him appeal….but I didn’t know if it was worth it. I wanted him to just forget about it, forget about them….it’s just not worth putting yourself (and me) through this again.
It was such a nightmare…recounting his experiences, the terror, the flashbacks, his emotions, his hospitalizations, going through all his records and typing up every single ounce of it. I have to hear, again, his inability to sleep, his regrets, his nightmares and how he felt on those nights when he had night duty on the ship in the Vietnam waters.

So, I told him the truth, I physically and emotionally couldn’t handle it AND I wasn’t sure if it was worth it for him to put himself through that again.

But, he did…without telling me. It was a matter of redemption, I thought to myself. But, it was bigger than that….it was a matter of healing AND it was worth it. It was necessary and he knew it for himself.

All of a sudden, Dad started telling me how he cleaned up his clutter, got rid of a lot of his junk. Then I found out that he had been going to the VA Medical Center for further evaluations, following up on check-ups and checking out different programs they offer to help with PTSD. He was talking to other Vets and spending time at the VA to help himself.

I almost fell out of my BRA! I couldn’t believe he was actually doing all this! NO WONDER he seemed happier, brighter and was filled with energy!
I don’t know, maybe it’s because he was spending more time with his grandaughter (my daughter) or maybe he finally realized that he was worth it. Maybe, He might have seen all his hard work was worth it when he sees the freedom his grandaughter is blessed with, the choices she has in life and how vast the opportunities are that lay before her…..because there were soldiers to defend our rights and our freedom AND every grandaughter in the world is entitled to this.

His suffering and hard work WAS NOT for NOTHING. It was for something, something greater than we could ever understand or imagine.
Now, it’s not all perfect, he’s still working on the insomnia (and I HAVE GOT to make him his insomnia aromatherapy blend!) and he has just now started looking into joining talk groups, therapy groups and exploring what the VA has to offer people like him. But, I’m glad to report that the journey continues and there is always hope, when you have Faith!


An Honest to Goodness, Spiritually Enhancing Good Time! October 14, 2010

You’ve read about it, you’ve heard about it, you may have even seen it on T.V.

Our Freedom Circles Inaugural Open House Women’s Event on October 23rd! Okay, no, I’m not talking about that. (Although it would be nice to have all that publicity, right?)

I’m talking about ways in which we can find inner happiness and peace by just being ourselves. While, it is true that we don’t need any “thing” or “event” to make us happy, what I do know is that we need one another to find balance in our small, but big, world. You see, each of us holds a special gift and this gift that we are given is meant to be shared. Though not yet scientifically proven, I truly believe that every human being has a talent for healing. These talents come in many forms, each unique to the individual that holds the gift. It may be a talent for speaking, an artistic talent (music, visual, dance etc.), or, perhaps the ability to cook something that others find warm and comforting. How about a passion for world peace or the talent for speaking up and raising money for those who may be weak, tired, sick or hungry? (I put this talent under the category of speaking) The talent can be ANYTHING. These gifts and talents that individuals hold are needed to help others find peace and happiness in their own lives, thus contributing to the world’s state of balance. In fact, I believe that those with “special” talents and gifts can help others find those same abilities within themselves.

And this, my friends, is my main intention behind doing the women’s event on October 23rd!

In less than a couple of weeks, my wellness partner and I will be hosting the biggest, yet most intimate, event of our collaborative healing practices. We have done a few workshops together in the past that were intended to introduce the healing modalities that we were both very familiar with: aromatherapy and yoga. This time, however, our intention behind this event is to share some of our most favorite spiritually energizing and uplifting “things”.

Yes, we all have the ability to nurture and heal our spirit and soul, and even our bodies. Sometimes, we may need “tools” to help us with the job. There are a vast number of natural healing modalities out there…so many ways in which we can help our body, mind, and spirit find balance. I have tried many different things: acupuncture, chiropractic, reiki, herbs, herbal teas, aromatherapy, yoga, pilates, massage, reflexology, HeartMath and so much more. I find that whatever treatment I choose at any given moment is the one I needed at that very moment.

Our women’s event will be filled with different things that I (and my friend) have found to be most filling, healing and heartwarming in our own lives. For myself, of course I will talk about aromatherapy and share a few essential oils fit for this fall season. I will also dare to make a few blends to sell that are enhanced by these fall essential oils. And, I will finally reveal my secret love….for jewelry that is. You’ve heard it right, I’ll share my love for jewelry. Jewelry, believe it or not, has been one of the most uplifting “material things” I have found to enhance my spirit and mood. Ideally, I would make my own jewelry using stones I have found wonderfully energetic. However, I don’t have the talent for that. What I did find was a company that sells beautiful, quality jewelry that utilizes all the stones that I love. When I wear this jewelry, I just light up…as if I’m fooled into thinking that I’m sort of Queen or Princess…and true or not, it works!

We will also serve some herbal teas, have some locally harvested and donated honey, local apples and have a few other items dedicated to women in our lives who have survived diseases, such as breast cancer. Gentle yoga and a guided meditatifve labyrinth walk by the ever so talented, Tina will make the day perfect!

The setting will be beautiful, intimate and the room will be filled with loving energy. We will all start the event as budding, talented bulbs, holding our beauty within ever so tightly and end the day as beautifully bloomed tea flowers that have been warmed and brewed….ready to share our gifts and show the world who we really are!
It will be an honest to goodness, spiritually enhancing event!